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SEND Provision

Manorcroft Primary School is an inclusive school.  We work hard to ensure that pupils are included in all aspects of learning and school life.  We aim to provide a high standard of education which develops and inspires all our children. 

Children sometimes require additional support to meet their needs or improve their academic outcomes. The decision to put this in place is made by the school and is based on a variety of factors including attainment, progress and additional assessments carried out by the teaching staff or other professionals.  Occasionally children may need further support to ensure that they have a smooth transition or they may require specific support when going through a significant change in their lives.  We would always involve parents/carers in any decisions made.

Class teachers are responsible for the learning of all the children in their class and the universal offer of 'Quality First Teaching' (QFT) includes adaptations, support and personalisation for all children as they need it.  Our whole school SEND provision is overseen and co-ordinated by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).

For further information please contact:
Mrs S. Hester
Tel: 01784 432155

Further information about SEND provision in Surrey can be found at: